Years in the business has provided tips on how to sell your broiler chickens, and targeting the best market for you. You can even sell all at once and be asked to bring more. I promise you that by the time you are done with this reading, you will be smiling. So, if you are looking for where you can sell your broiler chickens or the best way to market your chickens this December, this is probably all you need. Because your miracle strategy may be locked somewhere within this post, I advise you to read it carefully.
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Why Some Farmers Find it Hard to Sell their chickens
While lack of planning is the chief reason why many poultry farmers are unable to sell their chickens, let’s quickly see what most farmers do wrong. Again, please follow closely and read carefully.
1. They Put Marketing Last.
This is an important fact to consider when thinking about how to sell your broiler chickens. Although it is easy to get tempted to start your broiler farming without market analysis, please don’t be tempted. Effective market analysis will help you to understand your market and to know who will buy your product.
2. Failure to Understand Buyer Personality
If you live in an environment where a lot of people prefer to eat local chickens, selling your broilers in the same area may be difficult. Except you are targeting a different market, you may not like what you get during sales. Also, there are people who prefer 3-months-old broilers to those ones raised within 8 weeks. Your understanding of who your buyer is will help you to know what they want. If you are able to give your buyers what they want, then selling your broiler chickens will be fun.
The list of errors committed by farmers goes on but I will stop there. Now, let’s talk about what you can do to sell your broiler chickens.
1. Target a Market Larger than Your Supply
In selling your broiler chickens, you need a fairly large market. I mean, don’t start counting the number of members in your community or church group and think they will all buy. You should target a market that is big enough, such that even if 1-5% of them buy your product, things would have moved.
2. You Will Sell Your Broiler Chickens as a Competitor
Interestingly, everywhere remains quiet until the sales period when people start to bring out their chickens to sell. To many, it is during this time that they remember they have competitors. You need to plan ahead and try to be two steps ahead of your competitors. Because you may not always be able to offer a very competitive price, you need to look for ways to convince your customers to choose you. Are your chickens very big? Are they very clean? Do you offer delivery? Do you process and dress? These are some of the things you might want to consider to stand out in the competition. If you have raised your chickens as organic chickens, this is the time to get the bounty that comes with Organic Chicken
3. Bulk Sales is King when Selling Broiler Chickens
Yes! Bulk sales can be very rewarding. First, with bulk sales, you get to sell all your chickens faster and you can start raising another batch. Without bulk sales, you keep feeding the remaining chickens, which means more rearing capital. However, one thing you should know about bulk sales is that birds go at a lesser per/unit price. This is because people who buy in bulk are re-sellers or restaurants.
4. Use Social Media to Market Your Broiler Chickens
Thanks to technology, you can join farmers groups on Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp and market your product. You can use WhatsApp status update, Instagram, and more. Awareness is the key strategy here. The more people become aware, the greater their chances of patronizing you.
5. How to Sell Poultry with Early Advert
Don’t wait until the rush hour. One thing you should know is that human beings are the most unstable in thinking. This minute, they are thinking to buy, and the next minute, they have even forgotten about the product. This is why you need to start advertising early and continue to do it consistently.
Sometimes, you just have to be aggressive at it.
READ ALSO: How to Promote Uniformity in Broiler Chickens
6. Market and Sell to Chicken Processors
Similar to selling in bulk, the is one of the fastest way to sell your chickens, so it’s like I’ve kept the best for the last. In marketing your chickens, a lot of factors should be considered. And this is where nearness to your target market comes into play. Imagine that you have a processing plant less than 5 kilometers from your farm. That is a huge advantage because you can easily sell your broilers or layers to them. But don’t worry, even if you don’t have any one near you, they can come for your chickens and buy them from your farm.
One of the advantages of this method is that the processing plant can absorb any quantity of chickens you have to sell. Whether it is just 50 pieces or thousands, processing plants are always ready to buy. But let’s be realistic here. You know it is hard for them to come all the way from 20 KM away for 50 birds, except they have another larger deal close to your farm.
I keep trying to avoid one option because I don’t like to use it unless nothing else works. Let me just share it for the sake of sharing
7. Using Middle Men or Brokers
Almost every business has middle men across its value chain. People that connect buyers to seller. They exist in the poultry sector too. In fact, they run most of the business activities and they take most of the profit, which is why I don’t like using them. But they have their own advantages. When you are stuck, chances are that your broker will get a buyer for you. Some brokers will offer you N1100 per KG live weight of broiler, which is not the best for someone like me. But don’t get me wrong. It can save you when things go pretty bad, and your birds are just eating without anyone coming to buy.
Already, the border closure is giving poultry farmers some advantage as consumers slowly make a switch from frozen chicken to live broiler chickens. Whichever direction things go, the tips above will help you to market your broiler chickens and make great sales.