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Remove Picture Background in Seconds with


remove picture background

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You can now remove picture background in seconds without being a photo editing guru. Background changing is often desired to make our perfect pictures for posting. Because of the technicality of tracing bitmaps and selecting pixels, many would prefer to make other kinds of adjustments like filtering colors and adding captions. Finally, there’s a simple and easy way to get rid of undesired picture background and replace with your choice background. Please note that does not offer the service of replacing picture backgrounds. However, there are easy ways of adding backgrounds to the Portable Network Graphics (png.) file generated from the website.

Remove Picture Background at No Cost

Yes! Even the well-to-do love discounts and special sales. provides their background removal service for free. This service works automatically and in seconds; usually less than 3-5 seconds. All you need to do is upload your picture, and the png file is immediately available for download. uses AI to Remove Picture Background

remove picture background

Here’s the reason why you don’t need to do anything other than providing your picture. And the almighty picture algorithm gets the job done for you before you say PRINT. The algorithm takes care of the fine details of your pictures and prevents color contamination.

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This Only Works for Persons and Faces

Sometime in the future, might be able to squeeze more juice out of their AI solution but at the moment this article was written, the website only works with pictures with a face. The AI takes persons to be the picture foreground and every other thing as the background. There is a promise that they will be able to handle other kinds of pictures in the future.

Let’s Talk About Image Resolution

Here’s how works. The website will allow you to upload images of any resolution, but the result will be 500 x 500 pixels. To be honest, you will hardly need more than that resolution, as a 500×500 pixel picture looks decent on most devices. Moreover, png. makes for a brilliant lossless compression. is Open to API.

Knowing that this could be a great thing for websites and app owners to add to their platform, is open to API partnerships and promises the release of an easy-to-use API soon. In the meantime, interested people are allowed to use the beta version after signing up.

What Happens to Your Files/Pictures?

Privacy has become a major concern on the internet and more people are getting aware of how important it is to keep what is private private. is also aware of this and they have a word to calm your curiosity if you will take it. Images are said to be uploaded through a secure and encrypted connection. Also, results are only stored on the site for your download purposes only. Therefore, results are deleted within an hour or so after they are generated.

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This looks like a fantastic solution, and after trying it myself, I concluded that it’s worth recommending. The few pictures I tried came out perfect, and no tracing on Photoshop or CorelDraw could make them better. If all results are like what I got, then this is a new tide every graphic designer, photographer, and selfie lover would love to dive into.

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