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Expected Broiler Weight Per Week And How to Get It!


A client chatted me up today, and showed me how his broilers were already weighing 1.5 kg at 3 weeks and 5 days. So, I decided to share something on that hoping to help as many people that will read this to the end. I will be showing you broiler weight per week in my broiler chicken weight chart and how to attain the remarkable weight in this article. You will also find out how much feed per broiler chicken in my broiler feed consumption table.

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Broiler weight per week is a very important parameter to check if you are into broiler farming. After all, it all ends with the amount of meat your broiler chickens are able to generate from the feed you give them. So, you may ask, is there a standard weight for broilers per week? In this article, I have provided a broiler chicken weight chart showing you what you should get if you are doing it right. This chart should help you monitor your results and know if you are on track.

What To Expect

I have seen people who ask me, “how much feed per broiler chicken?” If that is your question, then the following broiler chicken weight chart should answer that up to the 9th week of rearing.

In case your own question is how much to feed chickens per day, or you want to know the weight of broiler chickens by age, then you will get your answer too.

Because Male and Female broilers don’t have the same weight, I will be wrong not to separate the sex parameter in the chart. So I have created two different charts to represent male and female sexes.

READ ALSO: How to Sell Your Broiler Chickens – All of them!

Broiler Weight Per Week (Male)

Body Weight
Average Daily
Weight Gain

Average Daily
Feed Intake
Feed Intake

Week 10.1750.0190.0360.252
Week 20.4430.0380.0650.707
Week 30.8660.0600.1051.442
Week 41.4210.0800.1472.471
Week 52.0620.0920.1823.745
Week 62.7350.0960.2105.215
Week 73.3940.0940.2276.804
Week 84.0080.0880.2348.442
Week 94.5570.0790.23510.087

From the above chart, the following facts (and more) about male broiler chickens can be deduced:

  • A male broiler should attain the average weight of 1.421 kg in 4 weeks
  • Male broiler chickens will need 2.471 kg of feed to achieve this weight in 4 weeks
  • A male broiler chicken should be around 2.735 kg in 6 weeks and should have eaten 5.215 kg of feed
  • Daily feed consumption of your broiler chicken will start to reduce after 6 weeks

DON’T FORGET TO READ: How to Select the Best Broiler Breed for Top Performance

Broiler Weight Per Week (Female)

Body Weight
Average Daily
Weight Gain
Average Daily
Feed Intake
Feed Intake
Week 10.1710.0190.0340.238
Week 20.4140.0350.0580.644
Week 30.7790.0520.0941.302
Week 41.2460.0670.1312.219
Week 51.7750.0760.1663.381
Week 62.3250.0780.1924.725
Week 72.8640.0770.2116.202
Week 83.3660.0720.2227.756
Week 93.8190.0650.2269.338

From the above chart, the following facts about female broiler chickens can be deduced:

  • An average female broiler should be around 1.246 kg at 4 weeks
  • And average female broiler chicken will need 1.824 kg of feed to reach the said weight in 4 weeks
  • A female broiler will convert 4.152 kg of feed to 2.325 kg of meat in 6 weeks, and a total of approximately 8.664 kg of feed to almost 4 kg of meat in 9 weeks.

ALSO READ: How to Make Broilers Grow Faster | 2.4 KG in 35 Days

How Much Feed Per Broiler Chicken

The question of how much feed per broiler chicken is a very interesting one that newbies often ask. And it is pretty wise to ask this question. To know how much feed per broiler chicken is to know what it takes to raise the number of birds you anticipate. This requires a sort of broiler chicken feed calculator. As a rule or guide, a broiler will eat about twice the target weight in kg. Usually, it is a little over 2X the body weight. That is, if you are looking to get 2 kg in body weight, you should be ready to use a little over 4 kg of feed.

How To Make Your Broiler Chicken Grow Faster

– Quality Feed and Broiler Weight Per Week

What I am about to share with you is the secret that will help you achieve the weight shown in the broiler chicken weight chart or even more. But only if you treat it as secret. To start with, the only thing that broiler chickens are genetically engineered to do is convert feed to meat. Hence, the importance of giving them quality feed that will help them grow fast. Your broiler weight per week will hit the top limit when you give them quality feed.

Even though I am not going to promote a particular feed, I would recommend that you stick to one of the best around you. It may be more expensive than the rest but you will get what you pay for. Moreover, I have found that most of the inferior feeds are sold for the same price with the high-quality ones. You can also contact me to purchase my Ultimate Feed Formula which I have been using to get at least 3.7 KG in 8 weeks. I won’t charge you much.

– Feed Ad-Libitum

The word ad-libitum simply means giving broilers feed round the clock, and allowing them to eat as much as they can. This can only be possible when their is supplementary lighting at night, so you should provide your chickens with a dim light at night to get impressive broiler weight per week as seen in the broiler chicken weight chart.

– Use Organic Boosters

A client chatted me up today, and showed me how his broilers were already 1.5 kg at 3 weeks and 5 days. As you can see, this result is above what I have shown you in the broiler chicken weight chart. He told me how he has followed my DIY AGRIC Organic Poultry eBook religiously, and how he is so happy about the results in terms of broiler weight per week. One of the benefits of this eBook is that Natural Organic Boosters are embedded.

broiler weight per week
Picture of 26-Days-Old Broilers From My Client

Because I do not buy the idea of using antibiotics and synthetic growth promoters, I have found an alternative that is safer and works better. There are natural growth promoters that you can use for your broiler chickens, to help you get amazing broiler weight per week.

With this article, you should be able to monitor the results you are getting on your farm and compare with what you should get. You can also plan ahead and know how many bags of feed you will need for a given number of chickens and for a specific period of time.

ALSO READ: Layer Feed Consumption Chart and Weight Gain


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